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Who We Are

As a congregation, we are passionate about making this community the most loving and giving place it can be in Christ’s name. St. Paul’s is made up of people of all ages and stages of life. We are committed to helping nurture the faith of our youngest to our oldest members. We rejoice at the privilege to worship together every week, hearing God’s Word, receiving Christ’s grace, raising our voices in praise, and being sent into our world to share God’s love.

What We Believe

What does it mean to be a Lutheran?

During the 16th century, Martin Luther challenged the teachings, practices and structures of the Roman Catholic Church. He insisted that the central message of Christianity is the good news that sinners become reconciled to God by grace through faith—because of the saving work of Jesus Christ.

It’s important to remember that Luther didn’t intend to start a new church. He wanted to reform the existing church so the gospel message was communicated clearly and the life of the church reflected that gospel center. Lutherans organized into a separate church only after the Roman Catholic Church repeatedly rejected Luther’s views. (The Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches have since recognized our common ground and partnership as Christians in service of God.)

Core Beliefs of Lutherans

We believe that we are justified to God only through the grace of Christ. We cannot earn God’s grace (our salvation) through our works, it is given to us through Christ.

Law and Gospel:

Lutherans have a distinct way of reading the Scriptures, based on Luther’s insight that God’s word comes to us in two forms - law and gospel. The law as command tells people what we should do. The gospel as promise tells us what God in Christ has already done for us.


The term “vocation” literally means “calling.” Luther expanded this idea from applying only to those with a calling to specific ministries, to instead include all people. He taught that we all have a responsibility to teach God’s Word and pray for others. And Luther affirmed that all human work is a calling from God if done in faith and for the service of neighbor.


St. Paul's is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with about 4 million members in nearly 10,000 congregations across the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

To find out more about the ELCA click here.